Very negative general mood continues. Many bridge-traders, who buy original goods and re-assort for manufacturers, have stopped trading. Several traders buying Angolan goods claim that prices there are too high, when compared with Antwerp & Dubai price levels. Prices offered for original goods in Antwerp and Dubai are 20% to 30% less than six months ago. Buyers are not “ashamed” to offer even lower prices, but very little goods are available at lower levels.
Moderate demand for 2gr and below for new price levels.
Selective demand for better qualities in all sizes. Small original parcels are traded on new levels. 3gr to 10ct suffered biggest declines, with secondary market offers ranging between 30% to 40% below the price levels of six months ago. Better 10ct and up yielding at least 5-7ct polished diamonds are in demand, with price levels around 10% below those of six months ago. Reasonable demand for fancy shapes (better colors only) and lower declines than rounds.